
4th MOMENTOM International Congress: Accelerating the energy transition

The 4th MOMENTOM International Congress, organized by the Institute for Sustainable Energy of the University Paris-Saclay will take place from 2nd to 4th of April 2025 at the University Paris-Saclay, in France.

The Paris Agreement agenda urges to get rid of fossil fuels as soon as possible while responding to the constant increase in energy demand at the world scale. In the last Report on the global impacts of global warming of 1,5°C above pre-industrial levels, the IPCC traces the different required roadmaps for the future GHG emissions. These adjusted emissions pathways imply winding roads for societies with challenging energy transitions and major trade-off issues between different security stakes. Responding to the global challenges facing our societies requires innovative energy solutions based on low-carbon energies, disruptive technologies and processes as well as enhanced efforts in energy sobriety.

The Congress will focus on the current scientific research, through different disciplines of energy in relation with global warming and Sustainable Development. The aim of the Conference is to connect scientists around the world on the topics of molecules, materials and devices for clean energy, up to the system integration, taking in consideration the socio-economic and legal aspects of the energy transition. The Congress also will provide a forum for scientific discussions between academics and industrials.

Registration and abstract submission

Registration for the Congress is free and open until March 1, 2025. To register, click on the “Registration” tab in the left-hand column.

Submission of oral and poster proposals is open from September 16, 2024 to December 01, 2024 January 05, 2025. Notification of acceptance or rejection of proposals will be sent on February 03, 2025.


Topics of the Congress

The conference will focus on five topics:

- Sustainable energy production

Solar energy: solar fuels, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, artificial photosynthesis, etc.

Terrestrial energy: wind power, geothermal energy, biomass (lignocellulose, algae, etc.), native H2, etc.)

Sustainable energies from water, and low-carbon hydrogen production: electrolysis, photoelectrolysis, tides, etc.

- Energy storage and conversion

Electrical: batteries, supercapacitors, etc.

Mechanical: flywheels, etc.

Hydrogen: power-to-gas, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, combustion, NH3, LOHC, etc.

Conversion: heat recovery, piezoelectrics, thermoelectricity, CO2 conversion, etc.

- Energy networks

Controllable and multi-energy energy networks, hybrid sources, integration of renewable energy resources, integration of electric mobility, etc.

- End-users and energy efficiency

Sustainable cities: intelligent buildings, high environmental quality neighbourhoods, insulation, construction waste management, building materials, etc.

Sustainable mobility: transport, electric/hydrogen cars, heavy mobility, on-board off-road systems, electrified roads, onboard systems, etc.

Sustainable industry: circular economy, low-energy processes, eco-design, scarce resources, waste management, etc.

- Energy and society

Energy governance: public management, smart cities and open data; the rebound effect, localised energy policies, citizen energy communities, socio-cultural aspects of the energy transition, social acceptability and quality of life and work, etc.

Energy security: energy futures in the context of crises, public policy scenarios and investment and divestment strategies, new financial engineering, risk analysis and abandoned assets, conditions for deploying alternative solutions to fossil fuels, etc.

Sector integration: energy-agriculture: land use, agri-environmental policies, energy density of renewable fuels and food security, agrivoltaic systems, energy-transport and the role of incentives in the adoption of new mobility technologies, etc.

A sixth theme will focus on innovation, and will provide an opportunity to present start-ups and/or industrial innovations in the field of sustainable energy, with the organisation of a dedicated round table.

Overall, the conference will be a forum for scientific exchange between academics, industry, institutions and civil society.


Scientific Committee

Luisa Andrade, University of Porto, Portugal

Christian Beauger, Mines-Paris, France

Stefano Bosi, Université d'Evry, France

Nicolaos A. Cutululis, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Damien Ernst, University of Liège, Belgium

Alexis Grimaud, Boston college, EUA

Ivana Hasa, WMG, The University of Warwick, England

Christel Laberty-Robert, Sorbonne Université, France

Wojcieh Macyk, Jagiellonian University, Poland

François Ozanam, Ecole Polytechnique, France

Jennifer Peron, Laboratory of Molecular Electrochemistry, Université Paris Cité, France

Susan Perry, Université américaine de Paris, France

Nicola Pinna, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Philip Schulz, IPVF, Paris, France

Christian Serre, Institute of Porous Materials, CNRS, ESPCI, Paris, France

Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, University of Gdansk, Poland

Hermann Zeyen, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Natalia Zugravu, Université Versailles St Quentin, France


Organization Committee

Loïc Assaud, University Paris Sciences & Letters / ESPCI

Emmanuelle Deleporte, ENS Paris-Saclay, University Paris-Saclay

Johnny Deschamps, ENSTA, IPParis

Guilhem Dezanneau, CentraleSupelec, University Paris-Saclay

Magali Gauthier, CEA, University Paris-Saclay

Clément Falaise, UVSQ, University Paris-Saclay

Sylvain Franger, Université Paris-Saclay

Marc Petit, CentraleSupelec, University Paris-Saclay

Hynd Remita, CNRS, University Paris-Saclay

Patrick Schembri, UVSQ, University Paris-Saclay

Virginie Tallio, University Paris-Saclay

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